She began choreographic education at the age of 3 at the ballet school Marie Nakagawa Tottori City Ballet.
From 2001-2004 she studied and graduated from the “Moscow State Academy of Choreography” (Class M.K. Leonova)
Since 2004, Leading Ballerina in the Russian Chamber Ballet Moscow troupe
In 2010, at the Arabesque 2010 International Ballet Competition received first place and the title of “Laureate of the International Competition”.
In 2012 and 2014 she received the title of “Best Partner” at the International Ballet Competition “Arabesque” in Perm.
In 2013, she won first place and the title of “Laureate of the International Competition” Korea International Ballet Competition.
In 2010, she took part in the performances of Morihiro Iwata and the Stars of the World Ballet as part of the Japanese Autumn Festival.
In 2010, she took part in the XVII International Festival “Stars of the World Ballet” under the direction of Vadim Pisarev.
In 2010, she took part in the festival dedicated to the memory of the great Russian dancer Maris Liepa under the direction of Andris Liepa.
In 2011, as part of the 17th Rudolf Nureyev International Festival of Ballet Art, the Russian Concert Company Sodruzhestvo and the International Federation of Ballet Competitions took part in the Stars of Russian Ballet GALA CONCERT.
In 2011, on the stage of the theater. Gorky took part in the gala concert of the festival “Young Ballet of the World” under the patronage of the world famous choreographer Yuri Grigorovich.
In 2012, 2014 and 2016 she took part in the Krasnoyarsk International Music Festival of the Asia-Pacific Region “Young Ballet of Asia”.
In 2014, on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, she took part in a creative evening dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the outstanding ballerina, People’s Artist of the USSR Ekaterina Maximova.
In 2015, she was invited to the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater as a leading ballerina.
“Swan Lake” (Odette. Odile. Pas de trois. 4 swans)
“The Nutcracker” (Masha, Columbine. Chinese dance)
“Sleeping Beauty” (Aurora, Princess Florina. Fairy of Courage.
Fairy of gold. White kitty. Red Riding Hood)
“Giselle” (Giselle, Insert Pas de deux)
“Don Quixote” (Kitri, Girlfriends of Kitri. First variation in Grand Pas)
“Halt of the Cavalry” (Maria)
“The Young Lady and the Hooligan” (Young Lady)
“Tarantella Balanchine”
“Walpurgis Night” (Bacchante)
“The Flames of Paris” (Pas de deux)
The Corsair (Pas de deux)
Esmeralda (Pas de deux)
“Diana and Actaeon” (Pas de deux)
“Great classic pas de deux”
“The Ocean and the Pearl”
“Cipollino” (Radish. Magnolia)
“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (Snow White)
“Paquita” (Paquita)
“Vain precaution” (Lisa)
“La Sylphide” (La Sylphide)
1) VII National Ballet Competition in Nagoya (Sylvia Prize)
2) IV Kitakyushu and Asia National Ballet Competition (Diplomat)
1) I Japan Ballet Academy-National Ballet Competition (4th place)
2) XXXI Saitama National Ballet Competition (Tokiosinbunsh Prize)
3) VIII National Ballet Competition in Nagoya (Dancing Magazine Award)
1) II Japanese Ballet Academy-National Ballet Competition (5th place)
2) LVI National Ballet Competition (Diplomat)
3) XII National Ballet Competition | in Kobe (10th place)
4) XXXII Saitama National Ballet Competition (Saitama Sinbunsh Prize)
5) IX National Ballet Competition in Nagoya (3rd place)
1) III Japanese Ballet Academy-National Ballet Competition (4th place)
2) LVII National Ballet Competition (Diplomat)
3) XIII National Ballet Competition in Kobe (1st place)
4) X National Ballet Competition in Nagoya
(3rd place)
1) III National Ballet Competition in Nara (1st place)
1) XI International Ballet Dancers Competition “Arabesque” in Perm (1 Place)
1) XII International Ballet Competition Arabesque in Perm (Best partner)
1) VI Korea International Ballet Competition
(1st place)
1) XIII International Ballet Competition Arabesque in Perm (Best partner)